Main Features
- Lyon's Portal is updated daily, providing you with real time credit information on your customers. In classic tab format, LyonPort offers you quick access to the most important account information. All customer details are shown as it is reported on your monthly accounts receivable file, so, searching and finding specific customers is fast.
- All the Lyon Services that make us unique are pulled together in this 30-day revolving program: Daily News Events, Special Conditions, Collection Claims, Rating Changes, Bankruptcies, Stress Scores, LyonWatch and Credit Risk Analysis.
- All the functionality of our website has been rolled into this program as well; ordering reports on customers, adding accounts to your watch list, viewing your collection claims and reviewing ALL history on EACH account.
- The Dashboard Tab provides both graphical and tabular views of your accounts with a breakdown by Pay Ratings and by Credit Stress Scores.
- The Reports Tab enables you to view your accounts in a specific way. For example, if you wish to know which of your customer accounts have a pay rating of 1 or 2 in the state of Texas, just plug in the details and click BUILD REPORT! For your convenience, the resulting data is exportable to excel in one simple step.
- Think of this program as your daily notification on what happened with ALL your customer accounts within the last 24 hours. To benefit the most from this service, you should have an active account base of at least 750 active customers and submit a monthly accounts receivable file to Lyon